This website is maintained and updated by Francesco Carpentieri and the team.
Please, pay attention:
all the presets you see on this website are made by me and under my own rights!
For any questions or support, you can contact me via email or on this website.
Gilmour's digital is an high quality store of digital presets for multi-effect processors.
We have customers all over the world and our presets are considered the BEST ever made in terms of authenticity, quality and details, regarding David Gilmour guitar tones.
Our funder is Francesco Carpentieri, known for the famous YouTube channel.
After ten years of research and study of David Gilmour tones (still going on) with analog equipment,
he put this knowledge on the digital world of multi-effects to create the same tones you hear on the original Pink Floyd and David's solo records. The best result is guaranteed.
Gilmour's Digital è ospitata sulla piattaforma Wix.com. Wix.com ci fornisce la piattaforma online che ci consente di vendere i nostri prodotti e servizi. I tuoi dati possono essere archiviati tramite la memoria dati, i database e le applicazioni generali di Wix.com. I tuoi dati sono da loro conservati su server sicuri, potetti da firewall. Tutti i gateway di pagamento diretto offerti da Wix.com e utilizzati dalla nostra azienda aderiscono agli standard stabiliti da PCI-DSS come gestiti dal PCI Security Standards Council, che è uno impegno congiunto di marchi come Visa, MasterCard, American Express e Discover. I requisiti PCI-DSS aiutano a garantire la gestione sicura delle informazioni della carta di credito da parte del nostro negozio e dei suoi fornitori.
Gilmour's Digital is hosted on the Wix.com platform. Wix.com provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and services. Your data may be stored through Wix.com's data storage, databases, and general applications. Your data is stored by them on secure servers protected by firewalls. All direct payment gateways offered by Wix.com and used by our company adhere to the standards set forth by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its suppliers.